Andy's Bloggy

How to manifest answers

andy dooley manifesting Jun 02, 2021

When you drop into the flow of Source, you will manifest the answers, of course.

Have you ever tried so hard to make something happen, me too?

Have you noticed when you stop trying so hard? It hap...

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This is the part of the story where I...


Be the hero of your movie, your life, your story!

There's always a defining moment in every story where the hero reaches deep within themselves and finds the courage or truth to become the hero.


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Manifesting faster! Bitch train or Bliss train!


thanks for watching. Follow me on Tik-Tok.


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Harrison Ford. From Carpenter to Mega Movie Star.


This story illustrates that, The Universe Always Has Your Back.

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Try this new affirmation and watch how fast you start manifesting


This is one of my favorite affirmations for getting in-synch with your desires and manifesting fast!

I have manifested new clients, friends, money, and adventure by using this affirmation. And a hear...

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What's behind your negative emotions?


What's behind your negative emotions?

It's always a BELIEF!

Yes, a belief! A belief is a firmly held thought in the mind backed with imagination and emotion.

Change the BELIEF, and you'll change ho...

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How to create the best-case scenario


FOCUS on what you want :-)

You and I are biologically wired to think, worst-case scenario.

It's a survival mechanism.

Today you have a choice! You don't have to let your lizard brain run the show! LOL


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How to find a way no matter what


No matter what!

There is always a way.

There is always a path that will take you to your dreams.

What is that path? Watch the video to find out! LOL

In 51 seconds you will KNOW the way!

It's easier then yo...

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Stop doing this one thing to manifest faster


If I had a magic wand and I could bless everyone with one wish or power. It would be to stop being so hard on yourself!

You have an army of angels around you.

Supporting you. Loving you. Guiding you...

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All I see is LOVE

When I look at you all I see is love.
Love is the answer.
Love is who you are.
Let your love guide you like a star!

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