The number one question I get asked all the time

The number one question I get asked all the time.
How do I manifest my dreams faster?
Let me give you my simple Triple A Formula.
APPRECIATION: You have to appreciate your unfulfilled dreams. Because your dreams are calling you forward to discover more of who you really are.
Appreciate the opportunity to feel good without your desires. Appreciate your intuition guiding you. Appreciate who you're becoming in the process.
At the end of your life, all the stuff you've accumulated won't matter.
Jim Carrey said, "The effect you have on others is the most valuable currency there is, because everything you gain in life will rot and fall apart, and all that is left of you is what was in your heart."
ALIGNMENT: You have to align with the feeling of your dreams.
Which means you have to start feeling AS IF you’re already living your dream. Remember, it's ALWAYS feeling first, manifestation second.
The easiest way to align with your dreams is to tell yourself the STORY of how it happened for you and take inspired action.
It's called Story Manifesting. Who did you meet? Where were you? What were you doing? How did it happen? Why is it important to you?
Have fun creating the story that feels good to you and watch how fast you start manifesting everything you want. LET IT COME 2 U.
Tell your Transition story. Remember my Vibration Activation™ workshop? The three magic words are beginning, becoming, and allowing.
ALLOWING: Allow your dreams/ desires into your life by believing & feeling them before they show up. Celebrate everything. Feel good now, and have fun today!
Don't wait for your dreams to manifest to feel good. If you need an excuse to feel good, how about this.
You won the lottery called YOUR LIFE.
Allow yourself to daydream. Allow yourself to celebrate and dance around your kitchen. Allow yourself to tell an incredible story and live an incredible life. Because when you ask, it's always given. BOOYAH!
What can you APPRECIATE today?
How can you ALIGN with your dreams today?
What are you going to ALLOW yourself to feel today?
Let's activate your new story now.
That's Right! I appreciate my journey.
That's Right! I appreciate who I'm becoming.
That's Right! I'm a great storyteller.
That's Right! I'm telling a better story.
That's Right! I'm aligning with the feeling of my desires.
That's Right! My alignment is key; it's what sets the resistance-free.
That's Right! I'm allowing myself to dance and sing.
That's Right! I'm allowing everything to be easy and fun.
That's Right! I won the lottery called my life!
Comment below with 3 to 6 of your own THAT'S RIGHT sentences to FEEL GOOD and have FUN!
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