A story I have to share

nothings impossible Mar 27, 2023

A private client of mine felt utterly stuck in her life. She wanted to improve her job, relationships, and overall sense of purpose. Despite trying various self-help strategies to improve her situation, nothing worked.

During our coaching calls, we did several hypnosis exercises, instilling the belief that she was worthy of success and happiness. She started writing "That's Right" sentences three times daily and taking small, intentional actions toward her goals.

That's Right. I'm feeling optimistic.
That's Right. I'm worthy of success and happiness.
That's Right. I'm beginning to believe in myself and take action.

Instead of criticizing herself for her perceived failures, she gave herself words of encouragement. She writes in her appreciation journal every evening and celebrates the day's little wins. I highly recommend doing this, something I teach inside the Manifestor's Cafe!

She began applying for new jobs, reaching out to old friends, and pursuing her hobbies with renewed passion. Surprisingly, this simple change greatly affected how she felt about herself. She felt more confident and motivated, and her actions reflected her new mindset.

Over time, her positivity and action-oriented mindset made her FEEL BETTER, leading her to new experiences that she never thought possible. Eventually, she landed a much better job aligned with her vision and everything we imagined and discussed on the coaching calls.

Looking back, Sarah realized all it took to get unstuck was finding the right coach and shifting her mindset and commitment to action. By focusing on the positive and showing up for herself every day, she was able to transform her life in ways she never thought were possible. If you are interested in working with me one-on-one click here!

Here's the coffee mug that was inspired by her story.

Take advantage of the opportunity to add positivity and inspiration to your morning routine. Get your "Nothing's Impossible" coffee mug today and start your day with the right mindset. Now only $14.44 11oz.

Have a great day, Andy

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