Proven Methods To Manifest With More Speed And Consistency Even If You Think A Lot Of Negative Thoughts.

Join For Just $11

Does it feel like something is just... "off" with your manifesting?

✘ You're OVERWHELMED with contradicting information on how to manifest your dream life. One best-selling author says to do this. Another author says to do the opposite.

✘ The LITTLE VOICE inside your head keeps telling you, "you’re not good enough." Sadly you have become your own worst enemy.

✘ You’re not manifesting the BIG STUFF, and it’s been decades of asking.

Wanting to put all that in your rear view mirror?

Join Hundreds Of Other Deliberate Creators Who Are Mastering Manifestation!

Take a look at what people have said...


A Weekly Online Transformational Experience For Deliberate Creators To Accelerate Their Dreams Into Reality!

 Weekly Coaching and Training
 Guided Meditations & Visualizations
 Monthly Workshops
 Proven techniques for manifesting

 *Get started now for just $11 for the first month, then only $27 per month thereafter.

Act fast to lock in this great deal before it's gone!

Join For Just $11

A Weekly Online Transformational Experience for Deliberate Creators to accelerate their dreams into reality even if you think a lot of negative thoughts.

 Weekly coaching and training
 Guided meditations & visualizations
 Unlimited email support
 Monthly workshops
 How to meditate video course [BONUS]
 Coaching strategies [BONUS]

 *Try it for 30 days for only $22!*

You in? "HECK YES!"

Join The Manifestors Cafe

And if you're being really honest,

often you feel stuck and powerless. Your bad habits have gotten the best of you! Your limiting beliefs are sabotaging your success and happiness.

Your negative thoughts have taken over, and you can’t break free. You keep running the same negative emotional patterns, and you feel overwhelmed and tired.

You know you create your realitybut instead of feeling like the creator, often, you feel like a victim.

Throw in procrastination and monkey mind, and you’re probably going ape shit. You understand the Law of Attraction, you meditate, or at least you try, you drink green tea, and you still want to smack people!

And don’t forget about SOS. Shining Object Syndrome. Every week you change your mind and start chasing the next shiny object that will bring you fame and fortune.

WHAT DO YOU REALLY WANT? Most people can’t answer that question. It’s tough to manifest what you want AND how you want to feel if you're overwhelmed and confused and changing your mind every day.


There has to be a better way.

Can I get a Namaste?

The Manifestor's Cafe!

Calling all Deliberate Creators.

>>   It’s the PLACE where you are given the tools, resources and ongoing training to become a master at manifesting what you DO want!

>>    Weekly training and laser coaching with Andy Dooley so you can upgrade your belief system.

>>    Remove your subconscious blocks/ beliefs and free yourself from your painful past.

>>    Start manifesting more abundance and free time. Be happy and healthy starting today!

How Successful Deliberate Creators Let It Be Easy!

For the past 20 years Andy has been a law of attraction expert. He's done thousands of coaching calls with clients all over the world. He's a best-selling author, and mindset/ manifestation coach.

Andy knows first hand where people get stuck, what limiting beliefs hold them back, and over the years he has created proven techniques for manifesting that will transform your Point of Attraction so you can manifest the abundance you desire.

How you feel is everything when it comes to manifesting. Imagine feeling happy and free when you let go of your limiting beliefs, and start loving your life today!

You will FINALLY be manifesting faster with more ease and flow.


There's Three Things You Need To Realize

  1. Stop trying to do everything by yourself. You must surround yourself with Deliberate Creators who want to see you succeed.
  2. You need accountability, support, and ongoing training and troubleshooting.
  3. Start using the 5 step framework that will enable you to become a Deliberate creator and master your Point of Attraction, and become and irresistible magnet for your desires.
Join For Just $11


✓ Accelerate Your Dreams Into Reality

✓ Learn The Belief Matrix - How To Upgrade Your Belief System

✓ Manifest More Abundance, Love And Laughter

Wondering what's included?

Take a peek inside..

Members Laser Coaching w/ Andy

Being part of the Manifestor's Cafe means you have access to Andy each week. We’ll meet and talk 4 times a month to keep your positive momentum moving forward and accelerating your ability to manifest more abundance faster with more ease and flow. On the calls, Andy, will troubleshoot any challenges you are facing.

Deliberate Creators Monthly Training

Every month you’ll receive members-only educational video or guided visualization focusing on accelerating your manifestations and getting you into the receiving mode of your desires. These are worth the price of membership alone. These are advanced manifestations principles that’ll will accelerate your manifestations.

Full Access To Over 70 Guided Meditations & Visualizations

Joining The Manifestor's Cafe gains you instant access to the entire library and private member resources, including powerful guided visualizations/ meditations, bonus videos, and PDF worksheets.

5 Stage Framework Journey For Members Only!

Stage 1. AWAKE & AWARE. You are awake in the dream of life, and aware that you are the creator of your reality. You are consciously aware of your positive and negative thoughts.

Stage 2. BELIEF UPGRADE. You understand how your thought patterns, beliefs and emotions create your reality. You are consciously upgrading your belief system to create more freedom, love and abundance in your life.

Stage 3. CREATING YOUR FUTURE SELF. You have a future self vision that inspires you forward. You’re clear on you goals and mission. Your future self is now guiding your daily behavior, not your past self.

Stage 4. BRIDGING THE GAP TO YOUR DREAMS. You understand there will always be a gap between you and your dreams. It’s how you feel about the gap the matters. You're now enjoying the journey to your dreams.

Stage 5. BEING THE DELIBERATE CREATOR. You are deliberate about how you think, feel and act, and the stories you tell yourself. You embrace the contrast and are expanding into more possibilities. You seek joy, growth and adventure.

So Tell Me... Are You Ready To Dream Big Again, And Become An Irresistible Magnet To Your Desires?

If you were to hire me for private coaching sessions $300/each.
Specialized guided visualizations/ meditation recordings $200/each.
Group calls $100/each. Plus, full access to the library. #priceless

The value is well over $1,700/month. And that's not taking into account the importance of accountability and group energy.

As you can see, this membership is like private coaching, but it's an affordable investment in accelerating your dreams into reality and upgrading your belief system.

Your investment is significantly less than the value offered. Keep reading to take advantage of this incredible offer...

Join The Cafe For Just $11

Wondering if you are a good fit for The Manifestor's Cafe!

Manifestor's Cafe was specifically created for Deliberate Creators who are looking to…

>>  Accelerate their dreams into reality

>>  Clear your subconscious beliefs/ blocks that hold you back from success

>>  Manifest more abundance, love and laughter

>>  Get clear on who you want to become - future self

>>  Learn the 5 step framework for becoming a Deliberate Creator

If that sounds like you, I'd like to invite you to join the Manifestor's Cafe.

The Manifestors Cafe Is One Of The Best Ways To Receive Ongoing Support And Training For Accelerating Your Dreams Into Reality!

Weekly Laser Coaching with LOA expert Andy Dooley
Deliberate creators monthly training
Private forum and Facebook group for members only
Awesome discounts on Andy’s new courses and workshops
VIP access to over 70 guided visualizations and meditations

Here's The Deal...

If you're ready to become a Deliberate creator, and manifest your big dreams, you can choose between two enrollment options. The annual membership offers the same benefits as the monthly option, but costs less on a per month basis.

The Cafe is now accepting new members! There are two call times every Wednesday!

Call 1 - 12pm PT. 1pm MT. 2pm CT. 3pm ET.
(UK 8pm. AEST - Thursday 7am)
Call 2 - 4pm PT. 5pm MT. 6pm CT. 7pm ET.
(UK12pm. AEST - Thursday 11am)

Pick the option you like best:

Deliberate Creator Monthly

$11 trial. $27 month

You're dreams are worth it!

Special Deal! Try the cafe now. $11 for the first month. $27 after trial.

*You will receive two email reminders before you are charged the regular price :-)

Sign Up Now!

Annual Membership


Most Popular

SAVE BIG when you enroll for the year! Your card will be charged annually until you cancel.

Regularly $324, now just: $270 yearly. Lock it in now!

Save Big Now!

Curious, But Not Sure?

If you're feeling called to join, but aren't 100% sure, email me, [email protected] and I’ll answer all your questions and concerns.

I want you to feel confident and clear about your decision. Because how you feel is how you attract. The Manifestor's Cafe is an incredible opportunity to co-create with other Deliberate Creators and believe in your big dreams again.

I can tell you from experience that consistent ongoing training and support is the best way to activate your full potential and love your life.

FAQ - You may be wondering...

Hey there,

I'm Andy 


I work with Deliberate Creators (just like you!) to upgrade their belief system so they can accelerate their dreams into reality.

Everyone has their zone of genius — mine is giving you various tools and resources every week/ month to get you unstuck and out of your way so you can manifest more abundance and happiness.

My private clients have made millions of dollars, manifested true love, and healed their bodies. I want to give you the tools and resources I use with my private clients.

I've worked with clients all over the world, and I have done hundreds of Vibration Activation workshops, and I know firsthand where people get stuck. What limiting beliefs are holding you back, and how to clear your subconscious blocks and rewire your brain so you can become your future self that accelerates your dreams into reality.

You're here to create your dream life and love who you are. Hard work is not the answer. Changing your beliefs is how you manifest the big stuff.

With the right coaching from Andy, tools, and resources, you can start accelerating your dreams into reality. Being supported by other Deliberate Creators, your success and happiness are one click away when you join the Manifestor's Cafe.

I can't wait to see you inside the cafe.

Let's do this!

Join The Manifestor's Cafe