Andy's Bloggy

My favorite manifesting technique


Use this exercise to get out of your head and into the feeling of your desire! 60-30-15-7. YES!

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How to manifest answers

andy dooley manifesting Jun 02, 2021

When you drop into the flow of Source, you will manifest the answers, of course.

Have you ever tried so hard to make something happen, me too?

Have you noticed when you stop trying so hard? It...

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The Best Affirmation For Having It All


I am believing it, knowing it and FEELING IT! And allowing it to happen!

Say this until you FEEL a shift in your vibe.

Have a happy day!


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The Becoming of You Is Happening!


BONUS SLOW MOTION VIDEO: When we SLOW DOWN we can see the magic we are. We can see the beauty in ourselves and others.

Watch a different slow motion video here!

Voice over credit...

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Best Law of Attraction quote I ever heard


LOA = Law of Attraction :-)

I know what you are thinking?

This quote better be great! LOL, I hear ya!

What do you think it is? Humblebrag it's one of my own LOL

It's the one quote that when...

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Stop doing this one thing to manifest faster


If I had a magic wand and I could bless everyone with one wish or power. It would be to stop being so hard on yourself!

You have an army of angels around you.

Supporting you. Loving you. Guiding...

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The hard to believe โ€œsecretโ€ to manifesting

I am blown away with the PS of an email I just received. (see below) 

"PS, you made a very large impact in my left - I met you in Las Vegas at the...

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