Andy's Bloggy

Abraham Hicks 17 seconds


Stop trying to figure it out by yourself. Get the support and tools you need to start accelerating your dreams into reality and have fun.
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Are your thoughts medicine or poison?


Everyday we think and estimated 75K thoughts a day!

Damn, that's A LOT of thoughts! Most are negative and fear based.

STOP. CANCEL. CLEAR! Get the fear out of here!

Like it or not, your THOUGHTS cr...

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You can say I FINALLY GOT IT or I FINALLY GET IT. Which ever one feels best for you and your situation.

I finally get it -
that nothing is more important then being happy. I appreciate where I am and I...

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Stop making this visualization mistake


Here's the link to the YouTube video.  Go see

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Manifest more abundance faster with more ease and flow.

Do you feel like self-doubt is holding you back?

You want to kick-ass and go for it but, that little voice says, you're not ready. You don't have what it takes. You're not good enough.

This happened...

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Funny video! Warning I drop the F' bomb.


If you don't like the F' word, please don't watch this video. It's another funny parody on info commercials. Have you ever struggled with the Law of Attraction? If so, I think you'll find it funny? Le...

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Why positive affirmations can backfire on you, do this instead.

In 2020, Captain, I worked with a client who finally admitted she was stuck when it came to manifesting money and romance.

Money and romance cause a lot of pain for people, and I love showing my clie...

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Harrison Ford. From Carpenter to Mega Movie Star.


This story illustrates that, The Universe Always Has Your Back.

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Try this new affirmation and watch how fast you start manifesting


This is one of my favorite affirmations for getting in-synch with your desires and manifesting fast!

I have manifested new clients, friends, money, and adventure by using this affirmation. And a hear...

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Best Law of Attraction quote I ever heard


LOA = Law of Attraction :-)

I know what you are thinking?

This quote better be great! LOL, I hear ya!

What do you think it is? Humblebrag it's one of my own LOL

It's the one quote that when you EMBODY it,...

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