
Coaching Application Questions

These questions give both of us clarity on where you are,
who you want to become, and if you are ready to transform your life!

Hello, Deliberate Creator!

With just 12 questions, you're on the path to tapping into your infinite possibilities. These questions will help you clarify where you are and where you want to be, opening the door to your next big breakthrough.

Rest assured, your answers are completely confidential. So, feel free to be as real as you want without any worries. No need to stress about long explanations—just share what feels right!

After you hit submit, I’ll review your application and aim to email you within 24 hours to discuss coaching possibilities via phone or Zoom.

Let’s make it happen!

-Alchemist Andy


Question 1 of 13

What result or change would you like to achieve from working with me?

Question 2 of 13

Have you worked with a coach before? If so, how did it go? If not, what would make working with me be totally worth it?

Question 3 of 13

Where do you feel like you're getting stuck?

Question 4 of 13

What do you do for a living? Do you enjoy what you do?

Question 5 of 13

How stressful is your life right now? What causes stress for you?

Question 6 of 13

What bad habits are you allowing to steal your time and energy?

Question 7 of 13

What are 3 things you are NOT satisfied with in your life that you are tolerating?

Question 8 of 13

What are you facing right now that needs immediate focus and resolution?

Question 9 of 13

Do you have a vision (personal and/or professional) for your life and if so, what is it?

Question 10 of 13

What would you like to contribute to your family, friends and the world?

Question 11 of 13

What makes you come alive? What makes your heart sing?

Question 12 of 13

If we are good fit to work with each other, are you currently in a position where investing in yourself is a priority and feels comfortable for you?

Question 13 of 13

Are there any final thoughts you want to share with me? What time zone are you in? And what's your phone number? If you are not in the USA we'll set up a Zoom call.

Confirm and Submit